By Anonymous - 01/06/2016 11:05 - Canada - Saint-laurent

Today, I've been chronically constipated so long that I was actually grateful for the sudden blast of diarrhea that ruined my pants. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 511
You deserved it 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is the one FML where I can say congrats and sorry at the same time


I hear a shit(ysituation)storm coming.

I sincerely apologise for posting that

ohthebloodygore 16

Where's the apology for being an idiot?

That was so slick I can't even be mad, 1

Geez, no need to be so aggressive. Sure it was a stupid joke, but actually I hate those shitty situation jokes as much as everyone else. I guess I did it as a quick "oh this will be funny because it's a bit different" but I should've thought before posting it, I realised it was stupid but it was too late for me to delete, sorry.

He will really like shart week. (I'll let myself out now)

You pretty much win the FMLs for today.

"When you're sliding into first And your pants begin to burst That's diarrhea, diarrhea" Joking aside that sucks big time. Oh well, atleast the constipation stopped. Just make sure to watch out for when diarrhea strikes again.

I don't want to, but now I feel like I should oblige #1.... What a shitty situation... There, done! I'll leave now.

I've never heard of anything like this happening before lol. But I hope you Weren't to far from home and could wash off Op

akunis 4

I think he took laxatives and didn't realize how long it would take to work.. But it's a much better situation than not taking them and being long term constipated. Then your looking at stomach aches and long bouts of struggle-pooping. I heard once that if you struggle-poop and it doesn't work, you have to dig it out.

You should probably see a doctor about that OP...

Or OP could just eat more fibre and drink more water- thats usually the cause of constipation. If that does mot work then you can get fibre laxatives from the chemist

This is the one FML where I can say congrats and sorry at the same time

Incoming "incoming shitty situation puns" comments

Diarrhoea is fairly common in combination with constipation. That doesn't mean the constipation is over, it just means some shit managed to leak past the blockade. If you've really been suffering from constipation for a long time (I'm thinking a week or more), you should really see a doctor.

I came here to say pretty much the same thing. Type 7 stool (entirely liquid) following a period of constipation is most likely overflow. OP should definitely see a doctor.