Sex ed is ******

By danmarino - 09/03/2009 23:29 - United States

Today, these kids in my math class told me to ask this girl if I could lick her clit. I basically yelled, "What's a clit?" Everyone looked at me. I'm a senior in high school, no one has yet to explain it to me. I had to Google it when I got home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 813
You deserved it 83 867

Same thing different taste

Taking pictures

By Anonymous - 05/12/2019 14:00

Today, I was teaching a high school calculus class. I wrote a complex formula on the board. As I wrote, students asked if they could take a picture of the board and circulate it. I said yes, and I was pleased as everybody seemed to be taking pictures. Soon, I realized why: my skirt was tucked into my underwear. Within a few minutes, every student in the school had an email with a picture of my ugliest pair of floral-printed panties. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 223
You deserved it 477

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I didn't know what '****' mean recently. I did and didn't at the same time, I knew it was something degrading. I just never bother to ask until some random guy called me that.

adelaz 0

When did u find what it means

xtremelifter 0

a very sheltered life, isn't always a bad thing though. At least can also say that your still a virgin, something that means more when your out of school. Sometime soon there will be a girl whiling to help teach ya.

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This one. He resisted the temptation throughout high school.

oi and here i thought i knew some innocent people. you top them. even 8th graders know what they are. thank god for google corrupting and informing us.

I knew all of the words and stuff when I was like 10. So yeah...

kagome_eb 0

I have no idea ether, believe me i found out what a vibrator was the worst way possible. and it is not being shelter, everyone knows different things, and knowing silly little words for sex or anything related is stupid, come on their has to be a million different names for sex toys and crap.

Yes there are plenty of silly little words but clit is just a shortened version of the actual name... and presuming he's straight he might need to know about it or his girl isn't going to have too good a time

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Liveanotherday 0

Reminds me of when I had to explain to a kid what it meant to "screw" a girl.

TheNameless_fml 0

Hahaha, that's pretty funny. I remember in high school one of my female friends asked me what a clit was and what **** meant. Ah, to be so clueless! XD

elfuzzo 0

They soo don't teach you what a clit is is sex Ed!! They just tell you To use condoms and stuff like that!

doglover100 28

My school never did. I learned from TV, movies, the internet and being around other high schoolers.

ohk i agree with #6 and #7 is hillariousssssss :))) hahahaha but i have a qn... how does watching **** teach u the name of these stuff?!?!? i mean u will know how to react or wat it looks like but they wont tell u the names!!! (or do they?!?!?! sorry i've only watched **** once and that was just outa curiosity!!) i am a female btw! so i dun need **** i guess :P

#14, I have to disagree, for the most part. I think you need to know the names of at least the important parts of sex organs. At least the ******** of a woman! For many women stimulating the ******** is the only way to reach ******, myself included. So, it doesn't hurt to know a few names and where-at's. As for sex toys, just go to a sex shop and ask, it's their job to know! ;) #19, Pff, I watch **** all the time and I'm a female, I love it. And they don't always tell you what they're doing, but sometimes the woman will moan "Lick my clit" or something. So..I guess it's teaching you something? Haha. Come on, kids, do a little research, it will go a long way! If you want to learn without looking at shady **** sites, go to the-********.com. There's a lot to learn there, and it's tasteful