Get out of there!

By Anonymous - 21/04/2021 15:30 - United States - Durham

Today, after I can't count how many times, my boyfriend of 5 years decided to break MORE things in our home, because I asked him not to let our son speak to me rudely. His response, "He said 'OK' so you should have shut up." Basically, he's raising my kid to treat me like he does. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 108
You deserved it 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know, you have your part in raising the kid up - why don't YOU try to teach him to speak with you properly? And more importantly, why do you allow your bf to treat you like that? And why the heck is still a BF and not ex-BF?

ojoRojo 27


You know, you have your part in raising the kid up - why don't YOU try to teach him to speak with you properly? And more importantly, why do you allow your bf to treat you like that? And why the heck is still a BF and not ex-BF?

ojoRojo 27
bleachedraven 14

I'm sorry for the rude behavior, but as an adult you can leave. Heck, I'd be much more concerned about your son, thinking it's ok to be threatened or rude.

Leave. The better the sooner. Sorry you have to deal with that.

Alyssa K Scheiber 7

You deserve better and you know it.

Xatraris 38

Not only is he being a grown child by breaking things, he treats you badly and teaches the child to do the same. You have to let him go for your sake. That kind of temper can get very violent, and you will be the target. Get out and teach your child that being like him or treating you badly is not ok. Not only will you find someone that can treat you better, they will teach the kid to treat others better as well.

Sady_Ct 37

These are two different types of domestic violence, and your son doesn’t deserve to grow up with those behaviours in front of him or learning them himself. His future partners deserve better as well. End the cycle, leave or make him leave. It will be hard but you and your son deserve better!

Why would you stay with a man like that? He's abusive. Get out and take your child.

happynow4eva 2