The ruling class wins again

By jcrb - 03/09/2021 10:59

Today, someone had been stealing my brownie at work every day, so I sprinkled cocolax on one and waited to find out who the culprit was. Turns out it was my manager. Needless to say, I'm fired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 376
You deserved it 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sounds like a wrongful termination lawsuit to me

phybreawptic 13

Doesn't seem like a fireable offense to me.


phybreawptic 13

Doesn't seem like a fireable offense to me.

But theft is. I would report the manager. What a prick.

It is. It is actually assault. You poisoned the thief. As fun as that sounds, it's illegal.

sounds like a wrongful termination lawsuit to me

Maybe, but if he lives in a right to work state, which 28 are, than you don't need a reason to fire someone. The dude essentially boopy traped his food with the intent to do harm, and embarrassed his boss in the process. As an adult with a real job I would absolutely expect someone to get fired over this.

Right to work has nothing to do with this. What you are referring to is at-will employment and they are two entirely different things. All states are at-will employment, there is only one state that has specific legislative exceptions. In every single state, you can be fired for any reason that isn't a legally protected reason. However, this what this employee did was illegal. Stealing a brownie from a work fridge, like it or not, is not illegal.

Well, at-will employment makes that an impossibility.

You can't get fired over that. Sue him. If he starts saying that you poisoned him on purpose, just say that you needed the cocolax and put it on the brownie so it would be easier for you. He had no business eating your brownies in the first place.

Well, if he is in the United States they most certainly can fire them for that. One, it is illegal to do what the employee did. Two, at-will employment is a thing.

You want that in writing. That's like a time I got fired "because I didn't belong". Hilarious it was.

Major Ahull 3

Next time, go for something more powerful. Like the horse dewormer that people are using instead of getting a Covid Vaccine.

bratmommie 4

They can't fire you for that. It was medication. Unless you told her it was a revenge thing...

randybryant799 20

Wouldn't it have just been easier to not put the brownies where someone could get to them?