Rude boy

By Anonymous - 08/02/2015 19:16

Today, while shopping with my 6-year-old daughter, she said, "Mommy, remember you wanna get duck tape!" A middle-aged guy nearby scoffed and told her, "DUCT, not DUCK. Dumb cunt." I ended up having to drive my bawling daughter home, with no shopping. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 609
You deserved it 3 759

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I still call it duck tape because I use it to tape the mouths of quacking idiots like that guy. What a bird brain.

You should have popped that douche in his mouth . Any guy that talks like that deserves an ass whooping.


CaptainCore993 19

Dude is both an idiot and an asshole.Duck tape is a brand and a thing.

duct tape is the item, duck tape is the brand. Regardless, the difference is pedantic at best and the idiot should have all his hairs ripped off with duct tape.

If I was a father and some guy DARED to call my little girl a ****, I'd smack him in the mouth before he knew what hit him. The child did nothing wrong and calling a child such a disgusting word is completely unacceptable. Sorry for the rant, but reading this made me angry.

RedPillSucks 31

YDI for not ripping him a new one for being a jerk about something like that, as well as cursing at a 6yr old.

I would have punched him so hard that his head flew off. What kind of asshole speaks like that to a child?!

I would have told that guy to take his head from his ass and I would have pressed charges for slander and mental abuse to a child.

That word should never be spoken in front of a child ! WTH is wrong with people?!!! This makes me so mad !!! I cuss plenty but that's totally crossing the line! What a jackass ! Tell him to go eat a bag of dicks!

Anybody who talks to a little kid like that should go **** themselves. You should've kicked him in the shins.

Not only that but Duck tape is a brand of duct tape, as many others pointed. And what right does he have to speak to your child?!! Ugh !!!

Duck tape was invented in WWII and designed to keep water off soldiers weapons, like water off a ducks back. It later became popular in the housing boom of the 50's to join ductwork and became duct tape. Your daughter is more right than this skeeze, it was first called duck tape.