Creeped out

By deadman - 25/05/2020 02:00

Today, my mom came in my room to give me a goodbye kiss. Out of pure instinct, from hours of doing this to my girlfriend in this exact same spot, I held the kiss way longer than what a mother-son kiss should last. My mom actually had to tell me to "let go" before I let her leave. FML
I agree, your life sucks 563
You deserved it 2 055

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Be careful, Oedipus, you are getting close to "gouge-your-own-eyes-out" territory.

Freud would have had the time of his life meeting you.


Were you embracing her too (hence the "let go")? That's a bit past what I would believe to be instinct.

Be careful, Oedipus, you are getting close to "gouge-your-own-eyes-out" territory.

Freud would have had the time of his life meeting you.

When I was a teenager and had my first long term relationship, I almost kissed my father on the lips out of habit. It was a very awkward moment that still haunts me. OP’s not creepy, this shit happens.