Hang in there

By Anonymous - 27/04/2021 22:59 - Australia

Today, after growing up in abusive homes most of my life until last year, I'm finally the happiest I could be and I'm getting all the help I need and achieving my dreams. I feel genuinely happy, yet I still want to end it. I've asked doctors for meds but they want me to see a psychiatrist first. The waiting list is more than a year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 206
You deserved it 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hang on. You’re on the right path. Continue to achieve your dreams, join a group such a ngo, meet people, do some sport and the year will pass without you noticing it. And I’m sure that you’ll get an appointment sooner than a year. All the people don’t show up at their appointment.

Friend, get used to the good life. It will take time just as much as getting to where you are took time. You are on a good road, I promise


Hang on. You’re on the right path. Continue to achieve your dreams, join a group such a ngo, meet people, do some sport and the year will pass without you noticing it. And I’m sure that you’ll get an appointment sooner than a year. All the people don’t show up at their appointment.

Friend, get used to the good life. It will take time just as much as getting to where you are took time. You are on a good road, I promise

Welcome to socialized medicine. Had something similar happened to me in Canada. Luckily I could afford to go to a private doctor and pay to get treatment. I was shocked to learn of the lengthy waiting lists for many pretty common procedures. I don’t know what the solution is or how to fix it.