Peacocking PUA syndrome

By hardtoignore - 03/10/2011 01:34 - United States

Today, after reading about seduction techniques, I wore shades and a brightly colored shirt to a club to attract female attention. However, the sunglasses rendered me almost blind, and I tripped over a step, crashed into tables, and thanks to the shirt, everyone saw it happen in glorious technicolor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 239
You deserved it 45 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

Which is why you don't. . . *lowers sunglasses* Crash, thud, thud, "watch out, asshole!," Ouch, oof, tinkle, moan, gasp. wear your sunglasses at night.


Why shades and a bright shirt, were they all out of feather boas and Dr. Seuss hats?

Dude, the reason that "Pick-up Artists" dress like idiots is because THEY ARE

As a girl, personally, when I see a guy in "glorious technicolor" I think he might be a bit of a douchebag and stay away. Especially if he's wearing shades inside a dark place lol

trentalophogus 5

are you sure that these werent the seduction techniques of a parrot?

brun12 1

I think guys who wear sunglasses inside are tools. Probably shouldn't try to be like the situation next rime

What seduction book really suggests sunglasses? I don't think anyone has found those attractive since the big hair days...

What was the book called? "How To Be The Creepiest Guy In The Room"?

FuhrerBurg 11

Warning not all shades are created with the same tint. For better results DO NOT SHOW AT YOUR LOCAL GAS STATION.

As if anyone would wanna pick up someone wearing sunglasses in a club...

Great FML.... I remember this episode of the Big Bang Theory......