Not my sunnies!

By ladyofzanarkand - 20/05/2020 20:00

Today, while out shopping, a middle aged man snatched my sunglasses off my face, threw them off the ground, and stomped on them, saying, "That’s what you get for trying to look cool, asshole!" I suffer from light-induced migraines. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 471
You deserved it 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

coius 23

I suffer from light induced/exacerbated migraines as well. I have used another tactic back in high school when someone would come near my face. Just start swinging to hit. If you hit them, say they startled you and your fight/flight mechanism kicked in and you freaked, and therefore their black eye is because they startled you. I’ve successfully used that 2x as an adult. Including when police has been involved at a bar.

Yet another case where OP should contact police. That’s assault, battery, theft and vandalism.


lestat2020 1

WTF??....I would have stomped this dude!.

lj2000 5

Once again. Who just lets strangers come up and touch their face. This trend on this site seems unreasonable to me.

it takes a second to snatch something off someone's face.

coius 23

I suffer from light induced/exacerbated migraines as well. I have used another tactic back in high school when someone would come near my face. Just start swinging to hit. If you hit them, say they startled you and your fight/flight mechanism kicked in and you freaked, and therefore their black eye is because they startled you. I’ve successfully used that 2x as an adult. Including when police has been involved at a bar.

Charlie Coffman_1920149595 18

Yet another case where OP should contact police. That’s assault, battery, theft and vandalism.

he snatched your glasses, take the opportunity to snatch his manhood,kick that ****** right in the jimmies,and keep kicking him in the teeth while hes down.

Douglas E Thompson Jr 5

Push him in front of a moving car

Gamer4life31 1

I suffer from anti-asshole. I would have punched his ******* lights out