Pass the parcel

By KatnissEverdeen - 16/12/2021 14:01

Today, my fireplace caught fire. The landlord says renters insurance should cover it. The rental insurance says the landlord should. FML
I agree, your life sucks 998
You deserved it 73

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Renters insurance covers your belongings from damage or theft. Actual property damage is your landlord problem and under his insurance.

Exactly this. The landlord’s insurance generally won’t replace your things damaged in the fire. His insurance should pay for the structure and if he doesn’t have it, that’s on him.


Renters insurance covers your belongings from damage or theft. Actual property damage is your landlord problem and under his insurance.

Exactly this. The landlord’s insurance generally won’t replace your things damaged in the fire. His insurance should pay for the structure and if he doesn’t have it, that’s on him.

The other two commenters are right - if the fireplace caused structural damage, that’s your landlord’s responsibility. Sounds like you may have to either withhold rent until it’s fixed or take him to civil court.

Wadlaen 23

But, isn't that sort of the meaning of fireplaces..?🤔

Heli0Sphere 2

To catch on fire? That’s usually the wood.

Heli0Sphere 2

To catch on fire? That’s usually the wood.

OfficialMrD 3

(Im an insurance agent) renters insurance only covers your personal belongings. Its the landlords responsibility to cover anything that has to do with the property