By Whoops - 02/11/2018 14:00

Today, my mom decided she wants to try a new family bonding experiment: Being naked around the house for an entire week. She wants us all to eat dinner, watch tv, etc. completely naked. She says she will ground me and my siblings if we don't try it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 215
You deserved it 262

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"I'll take the grounding, thanks. I think our bond is as strong as it needs to be."

Is there someone you can talk to about this? I mean, it'd be one thing if the whole family was totally cool with this, but to force your kids into becoming a nudist, grounding those who don't want to sounds...lack for a better word, abusive.


Is there someone you can talk to about this? I mean, it'd be one thing if the whole family was totally cool with this, but to force your kids into becoming a nudist, grounding those who don't want to sounds...lack for a better word, abusive.

"I'll take the grounding, thanks. I think our bond is as strong as it needs to be."

Oh she can be grounded too... by CPS.

ViviMage 38

^This. My dad's family often couldn't pay for air conditioning so they would go around in their underpants (Leanne was ok to wear a bra). To some people this IS nudity. I think of nudity as no clothes on at all over parts that matter. That was a practical way to deal with heat in the summer. But no one was forcing/grounding anyone.

Ya your mom needs the men in white jackets to pay her a visit (if you're too young to understand what that means it means to go to the Looney Bin) 😄

Aren’t you kind of grounded either way? If you walk around nude all the time, you really can’t leave the house.

I read it as naked whenever they are at home. Meaning they can get dressed and leave but then naked as soon as they get back home.

I have a solution, but it's a bit disgusting. plan ahead with your siblings. agree and then don't fully wipe after #2s... after a day of skid-marks on the furniture your mom will probably scrub the idea forever.

That’s actually brilliant. They’ve technically participated, so no grounding, and the idea goes out the door very quickly.

wear a towel or a blanket. technically still nude.

The topic of nudity generally leaves me feeling cold.

Don't worry. I'll warm you up. *shoves you into a furnace* That better?

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

Here's what you do: You ignore her and just walk out. I mean what's she gonna do? Run after you naked?