Out of it

By damn you Ambien - 03/08/2016 05:48 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I woke up to an angry and threatening email from a porn company. Apparently, I took a sleeping pill last night and wrote a nasty email to the company about how they mistreat women. The best part is that I used a web contact form instead of an email, so I have absolutely no idea what I wrote. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 372
You deserved it 2 790

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I suppose it takes a special person to attack a **** company via a web contact form in the middle of the night while possibly unconscious. It sounds as though you were doing this with good intention however, so FYL indeed.

Hey, as long as you're not getting sued then don't worry about it. That can't be the only hate mail they get. Just goes to show how thin-skinned they are.


Talis99 26

Well, thanks for sticking up for women anyway!

Sticking up for women? Do you think women are forced to do this? It's by there own choice to do it, they could get a normal ******* job like everyone else if they feel "mistreated"...

cootiequeen4444 11

I don't think they are talking about the female **** stars as much as ****'s portrayal of women in general. female **** stars are part of the **** industry themselves so they are, by default, also to blame for the portrayal. as you said, they willingly chose the lifestyle and those rolls... which is not the vocation of choice for the majority of women btw... ironically **** makes it seem otherwise as they turn many vocations into **** (e.g. teachers, nurses, officers, school girls, cheerleaders, doctors, fire fighters I could go on and on and I don't even watch ****. I just don't live in a box either)

"Even" as a **** star you can be mistreated heavily. You can also get raped on set and be forced to do stuff you don't really want. Also there are enough women who cannot get a "real" job and are dependant on a job like this. How about you listen to all those stories some time?

They don't sound like a very professional company if they're actually THREATENING you... Though how "professional" can they possibly be, as a random online **** company. :/ Glad you're standing up for women, though! You tell 'em!

jcash52426 5

This is great. I would pay money to read whatever you wrote. Btw did they end your membership. They can be the **** nazi NO **** FOR YOU!!!!!

Words can not describe how happy I am to have understood that reference.

Ambien can make you do weird things. Check news stories for examples.

My mother used to do dumb shit on ambien too, that stuff is no joke. From try I f to get me (7 at the time) to drive her to McDonald's at 11pm, to locking herself out of the house and sleeping on the stairs, I say find a better alternative medicine.