Out of it

By damn you Ambien - 03/08/2016 05:48 - United States - Los Angeles

Today, I woke up to an angry and threatening email from a porn company. Apparently, I took a sleeping pill last night and wrote a nasty email to the company about how they mistreat women. The best part is that I used a web contact form instead of an email, so I have absolutely no idea what I wrote. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 372
You deserved it 2 790

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I suppose it takes a special person to attack a **** company via a web contact form in the middle of the night while possibly unconscious. It sounds as though you were doing this with good intention however, so FYL indeed.

Hey, as long as you're not getting sued then don't worry about it. That can't be the only hate mail they get. Just goes to show how thin-skinned they are.


Just tell them you didn't write it. If it was a web form, anyone could have entered any email in the box as a prank. It's surprising you managed to enter your correct email address in the state you were in.

what kind of threatening op? and more importantly, were your personal data like address and-or phone on that contact form? if so you might want to change your e-mail account and file a report to the police..don't take this lightly OP, you may have seen a snuff-like film and reacted outraged..and you really need to talk to your doctor about the active spells in a subconscious state, that's dangerous..hope you get well OP

Ambien is such a good source of amusement. I was always lucky to have been on the phone with my friends during my hallucinations so they could repay everything back to me the next morning.

pacman490 21

One time ambien made me pay off a credit card with almost all the money I had which was supposed to be on hold for my car rental

DragonitePaladin 6

Hey at least you were honest. **** is a little more than a pure cum dumpster :( STILL HILARIOUS i laughed my ass off reading this hahahahahaha!

Email providers usually have a copy of an email you sent under your "sent" folder.

nicolai44 12

True. But that would only help if OP sent an email. It was stated in the post that this was not the case.

Out of curiosity, how threatening could they be?