By koolkat9 - 22/12/2014 19:11 - United States - Albion

Today, my boyfriend told me that my mom paid him to date me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 024
You deserved it 3 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AnOriginalName 19

Sounds awful but that doesn't mean he doesn't like you. He could have started dating you for the money but ended up falling for you. I think we need the rest of the story.


Did you ask him to split it at least? Also you wrote that he's your boyfriend so did he fall in love with you in the process?

Yes, remember how well this turned out in Ten Things I Hate About You? Next he'll use the money to buy OP a guitar and they'll live happily ever after.

orbit 22

It worked out in Failure to Launch.

I understand what your saying. He COULD have taken the money and ran so maybe its not so dramatic, but he actually likes her.

you'd think if he did love her he wouldn't have taken the money in the first place but you never know maybe he did fall in love.

RecklessLove 18

He would've taken the money in the beginning because he wasn't in love with her then. Obviously, something changed which made him tell her. Whether it be that he fell in love or something else.

Merry Christmas, your moms checks are bouncing so it's over :)

hopefully his feelings changed after he got to know you

AnOriginalName 19

Sounds awful but that doesn't mean he doesn't like you. He could have started dating you for the money but ended up falling for you. I think we need the rest of the story.

Exactly, when you think about it everything happens for a reason, maybe the bribe was the start of a long and happy relationship.

This sounds like the plot of a romantic comedy.

It's basically "ten things I hate about you"

I'm sure I saw this plot on Netflix at leash half a dozen times in the past couple weeks. We took turns picking movies. She liked RomComs.

Yakostovian 18

I'm so sorry for you #43. That sounds like a close approximation of hell to me.

#58 Still a better love story than twilight.....

I can put up with 95 minutes of almost anything so long as it leads to sex!

maybe he's just trying to dump you "creatively" to shift the blame from himself. i suggest you talk to your mom before jumping to conclusions.

I was once paid to go out with someone. Her sister thought we would make a good couple and couldn't think of a better way to introduce us. We dated for a while and it made for a fun story.