Opiates rule

By Anonymous - 20/01/2023 00:00 - United States - Georgetown

Today, I am 10 years clean from an opiate addiction. It’s also been 10 years since I began suffering from severe restless legs syndrome, to the point I cry from frustration and sleep deprivation almost every night. I’ve tried several medications, they don’t help. A recent injury has made me realize opiates do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 916
You deserved it 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

Anxiety meds may help. There are non-narcotic ones. For example, this medication typically prescribed for blood pressure called propranolol is also prescribed to help with essential tremors and generally helps chill you out without getting you high. I am not a doctor - this is an anecdote based on my own experience, and I suggest you conduct your own research and speak with your physician. I suffer from restless legs, too, especially when highly stressed, and there are options. Good luck!! And sorry you’re going through what you’re going through :( Hope you find some safe relief! EDIT: Sorry - your post says you’ve already tried several medications and I somehow missed that. I’ll leave this as written anyway in case there’s anything new to you in it. Still wishing you the best!

hey OP I understand you're dilemma in a similar situation well I should say I was, if you live in a state where marijuana is legal you can try using CBG's and CBR's they will help. The CBG's work is good as opioids and the CBR's will help with the insomnia and you can get them in a non THC form but the THCA does help a lot. GOOD LUCK OP 👍🙂


Marcella1016 31

Anxiety meds may help. There are non-narcotic ones. For example, this medication typically prescribed for blood pressure called propranolol is also prescribed to help with essential tremors and generally helps chill you out without getting you high. I am not a doctor - this is an anecdote based on my own experience, and I suggest you conduct your own research and speak with your physician. I suffer from restless legs, too, especially when highly stressed, and there are options. Good luck!! And sorry you’re going through what you’re going through :( Hope you find some safe relief! EDIT: Sorry - your post says you’ve already tried several medications and I somehow missed that. I’ll leave this as written anyway in case there’s anything new to you in it. Still wishing you the best!

hey OP I understand you're dilemma in a similar situation well I should say I was, if you live in a state where marijuana is legal you can try using CBG's and CBR's they will help. The CBG's work is good as opioids and the CBR's will help with the insomnia and you can get them in a non THC form but the THCA does help a lot. GOOD LUCK OP 👍🙂

Magnesium can help Restless Leg Syndrome. If you take antacids your stomach doesn’t provide enough acid to digest the common magnesium sources. You can either rub your legs with “oil of magnesium” (actually MgCl in water) at bedtime or take a magnesium citrate supplement daily. I had RLS myself.

lalalaila777 24

CBD might help as well, helps my partner sleep when they have restless leg.