Open up!

By nooooooooob - 05/10/2011 08:59 - United States

Today, after a long bike-ride home, I thought my roommate was being a douche and holding the door shut to our apartment. After about ten minutes of shoulder-slamming and name calling, I discovered that I just wasn't turning the key all the way, which I found out when my roomie came home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 115
You deserved it 35 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

And behind door number one we have......oh wait, I can't get this damn thing open, shit. WTF is going on?

It's okay; doors are hard to figure out.


Your smiley faces impress me. You're like the opposite of OP, never angry O.O

selahsmithereens 1

My idiot stepmother does this all the time. Pretty sad when you can be locked out with a key to the place.

I would've loved to seethe expression in your face when you saw your roomie lol

ThatLooksSticky 16

I bet your roomie was home the entire time, then snuck out another door just to make you feel like an idiot. Yeah. I'm sure that's what happened.

RKD 23

LOL! Have done that, don't worry, op, happens to everybody!

perdix 29

You might want to buy a car. If you are so fat and out of shape from a bike ride that you lack the strength to turn a key all the way, you are a good candidate for a fully mechanized life.

The_creator_fml 2

Gotta be smarter then the door to open it...

gogirls 3

HAHA did anyone else notice OP's name??? noooooooob

some names are created by the fmylife staff for the fml. I doubt its a real poster.