One day…

By Anna - 29/09/2015 14:58 - Sweden - Västerås

Today, after weeks of searching, I finally found the wedding dress of my dreams. Too bad it was in the form of a download for The Sims. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 150
You deserved it 3 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Im sure with a little research you could find the same thing or something really similar, if not you could always get something made.

Take a picture to a bridal store and see if they can find something similar in real life.


If it's sims1 I'm impressed, skins for that game rarely have a great level of detail. Being a huge sims2 fan, however, if it's from a later game, the gown may well be inspired by an existing garment. Take a look at the creator's other works, I know I have literally hundreds of outfits based on real world clothing lines sitting in my 22gigs of downloads.

anniemeece 23

If you've found an image of the ideal dress, that's already one hurdle down! Even if it is from Sims, now you can show it to others or look around the internet or IRL stores with a concrete "This is what I'm looking for," rather than trying to describe it each time. :) Good luck!

Every time I play sims my sims always end up with floating grey centaur bodies. Even the babies. Ah, great memories.

Take an image of it and make it would be worth it OP

I bet there's a way you could get that or at least, something quite similar.

There are thousands of styles of wedding dresses out there - and you may even find that dress outside of a bridal shop, as a regular party or formal dress. I'm curious what the dress looks like, I would totally love to help you find it!

If your real wedding dress doesn't end up being as nice, just recreate the wedding on Sims and live vicariously through your virtual self.... It's almost as good as the real thing!

myoukei 31

Tailor? Art student (fibers or fasion majors)? Commission someone...