OK Shaggy

By Notakidpusher - 24/11/2015 03:34 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my coworker brought her 3-year-old son to work with her. When introducing him to me, she dropped her bag and bent over to pick it up, knocking him over with her butt in the process. When she stood up, she noticed he was sitting on the ground crying. She then accused me of pushing him over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 248
You deserved it 1 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe she's just joking? She MUST have felt her butt bump into him.... Sorry OP :(

lat187 18

I bet you're the butt of all the office jokes.


avatar0810 15

Some people would rather lie and place blame on someone else than admit their own mistakes. Unfortunately, both you and the kid were on the receiving end of this.

JohnForge 13

Woman... That was your assident. (Accident).

How would she not feel her butt knocking him down if it hit him that hard?

Perhaps her butt had so much padding on it that the sensation didn't really go through, haha.

It really doesn't take that much force to knock an unsuspecting 3 year old down. Their balance isn't all there yet, especially if they aren't paying attention. But I agree that she should have felt get ass push him over.

I think the real FML here is that you didn't get the whole thing on video. This has the potential to be YouTube gold!

JeffTheKiller16 13

that's f-ing retarded she should've felt her butt hit him

That's such an odd thing to accuse another adult of doing. That's like something a little kid does.