OK Shaggy

By Notakidpusher - 24/11/2015 03:34 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my coworker brought her 3-year-old son to work with her. When introducing him to me, she dropped her bag and bent over to pick it up, knocking him over with her butt in the process. When she stood up, she noticed he was sitting on the ground crying. She then accused me of pushing him over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 248
You deserved it 1 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe she's just joking? She MUST have felt her butt bump into him.... Sorry OP :(

lat187 18

I bet you're the butt of all the office jokes.


Dat ass tho In all seriousness, how do you not feel knocking/hitting something or someone? Assuming she did though, why would she blame you? That's immature

msmedieval 11

As someone with a big derriere I can confirm that sometimes we do knock stuff down & don't feel it. I hope the kid at least spoke up & told his mother what actually happened.

Zilten 10

It's not that bad. I once (accidentally) elbowed a kid in the face and the mother didn't mind

Hah, I was doing my job at Walmart and I spun the carousel to bag groceries. I didn't notice a little girl (around 5) standing right in the way and I whacked her pretty hard. I apologized but the mom was like, "she knows better than to stand that close!" I'd hate to see this happen with the mom in the FML though... she'd probably flip shit.


Hope her son is alright, he was at the butt end of the problem after all.


shortcake18 15

That's when you tell her some big ass did it.

VoodooPriestess 16

I think she knew she did it, otherwise why think her kid was pushed at all? 3-year-olds trip over nothing all the time. They cry at the drop of a hat too.

how do u not; 1. notice you're shoving a person regardless of their weight. 2. have a 6th sense that should've caught the kid. 3. accuse someone of that. WTF dumb bitch! stupid accusing bastard, you have more important things to do than pushing her kid.