Oh hi!

By showerstupid - 04/04/2009 08:04 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was in the shower, and I decided to go join him. I took all my clothes off and stepped into the bathroom. I slipped on some water, and ended up hitting my head on the toilet and passing out. When I came to, I saw my boyfriend's dad looking over me in his towel. Wrong person. FML
I agree, your life sucks 81 624
You deserved it 44 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chimmy 0

Your boyfriend lives with his parents and u still thought it was a good idea to strip, go to the bathroom and hop in with whomever was there? ydi

Lol to be honest that would of been worse if you didn't knock yourself out, imagine climbing in the shower and going to grab your boyfriend and then realising it was his dad...To be honest knocking yourself out was the best thing that could of happened to you =P


at least you didn't get into the shower...

eoh42 0

You shouldn't be doing these types of things until you are married. End of story.

notnormal 0

thank god you didn't step into the shower with your boyfriend's dad. THAT would have been horrible.

braFTW 0

LOL On the bright side, you were lucky to wake up at all as it was a dangerous accident. ;)

babex21 0

you should've pretended it wasn't an accident

sliimxshady 0