Now casting

By WhyAppleWhy - 01/09/2012 23:14 - United States - Sarasota

Today, I was watching some pretty intense porn on my Macbook. I unplugged the second monitor so I could lie on my bed. Instead of defaulting to the screen, Airplay somehow synced it to the living room TV, where the rest of my family was watching a movie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 563
You deserved it 52 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MolesterStallone 13

Did your family think it was pretty intense too?

Family Movie Night just got a lot more interesting... xD


Really? What he deserves it because he was watching ****? I love how many self-righteous people there are on this site who think their better than people like this when in reality a huge portion of the population indulges in ****.

TheDoctor10 28

should have played it off as a prank

What did they do op please answer lol what happened

Havinci 19