House rules

By Anonymous - 08/10/2019 22:00

Today, I had a date with a guy I've had a crush on for months. Not knowing where the date would take us, I shaved my pubic hair. Later, in the middle of making out with the guy, my dad storms into the room to tell me, "I had to get some Draino, your pubes clogged the shower." FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 168
You deserved it 1 202

Same thing different taste

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In my book, that is only slightly more mortifying than if your dad busted in on your make-out sesh and said "Hello." You were going to **** a guy on a first date with your parents in the house? Very bold!

First rule of **** Club: Lock the door. Second rule of **** Club: Don't get it on while your parents are still conscious. Third rule of **** Club: Keep all drains unblocked. Fourth rule of **** Club: Use all kinds of protection you can get your hands on.


In my book, that is only slightly more mortifying than if your dad busted in on your make-out sesh and said "Hello." You were going to **** a guy on a first date with your parents in the house? Very bold!

I'm so disappointed in hearing that this appears to be your first date and you were thinking you'd have sex right then and there?

And the problem with this is? Sex isn't a bad thing, if OP wants to have sex and has a willing partner then it's all good.

Sonotsuave 35

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maybe there isn't a lock on the door? And not every adolescent living with their parents are allowed to modify the doors.

First rule of **** Club: Lock the door. Second rule of **** Club: Don't get it on while your parents are still conscious. Third rule of **** Club: Keep all drains unblocked. Fourth rule of **** Club: Use all kinds of protection you can get your hands on.

1. Why was your first thought to shave your pubes? Sure have a tidy up if you've let things go but don't go full barbie. 2. Be considerate if you share a bathroom and unblock said pubes from the drain you dirty mare. 3. I'm assuming as you didn't utilise a lock that you don't have one on your bedroom door (not everyone has internal locking doors guys) so why on earth did you take him home for a shag when your parents are home?!

slkeithh 14

I came here to say only one thing: You are an utter moron and no one loves you.

That seems more a reflection on you than me, you alright mate?