Not so secret anymore

By Lovenotes - 17/10/2009 23:05 - United States

Today, my secret crush, who sits next to me in Bio, asked if he could borrow my notes. I agreed. It was only after he drove away, with my notebook, that I realized that in the back of my notes, I had written his name 100 times, surrounded by little hearts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 396
You deserved it 43 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RR05 0

OMG you must be the dumbest person alive. i would pay huge amounts to see his face when he opens it

Awesome, now you can just be done with it and ask him out.


ForeverHigh 1

That happened to me once. I just pretend that I didn't see it to avoid confrontation. You should be fine either way. If he confronts you, it might be a sign he's interested.

Hey, why not claim it was a friend borrowing your notebook? always works :]

lolcrzykid 0

#14 FTW def really true just say. o a friend borrowd it. and they have a crush on you. lol.. it should work unless u have unique handwriting that can really distinguish you from others

perdix 29

It would be funny if he failed the test because he answered every question with his own name. He'd get a 2/100 for putting his name correctly in the one spot it belonged.

mate, I WISH such misfortune would come my way. now he can ask u out :)

jchansfan 0

say you wrote it in the back as soon as he asked you to borrow them as a joke and laugh it off... DENY DENY DENY UNTIL YOU BELIEVE