Not respected anymore

By Anonymous - 24/04/2009 09:04 - Australia

Today, as a respected artist, I was running a workshop with a bunch of rowdy college kids. I was in the middle of demonstrating a painting technique when I accidentally washed my paintbrush in my coffee instead of my paint water. They waited until I then drank from it to burst out in hysterics. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 450
You deserved it 16 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI, there isn't a person in the world that wouldn't wait and watch that happen


JoshBarblahblah 0

What college is that? A community college?

Look at the bright side... If your work with college kids often and make a habit of not paying very close attention to your coffee, that is probably the least disgusting thing you have drank in your coffee! :)

What do you expect. Guess you are so "Respected" are you. Hope you didn't work in oils or lead based.

scarletgem21 0

Well, that's when you learn to laugh at yourself, I guess. Next time, pay attention though. Saves you from paint flavored coffee.

uhhuh_her 0

lol, way to prove how great you are. "Respected" indeed.

playerhata 0

Gah-ross! But I agree with #7, ish happens!

5ivestarz 0

Wow, this is your big FML? I've done this to myself! Just laugh it off and consider it funny that you had an audience to enjoy this with you!

jnic 0

Why are people ******** on the OP so much? This can happen to anyone. Have any of you ever painted before? You get really into it and it's full of a lot of automatic movements. Then add all those distractions to the mix. And clearly, what a bunch of community college retards think determines whether an artist is respected or not. Because they know all about that.

stacianichole 2

Agreed, I've done the same thing while painting, and several of my class mates in my BFA program have done the same as well.

poolshark 0

The last time I sat in a rowdy art class was 7th grade... I believe they let you drink the paint coffee and laughed, but the rowdiness in general I don't buy. Like #13 said, just be glad it wasn't lead based or something.

stacianichole 2

Uh, having been through art college I can say (especially in foundation year) there can be rowdy kids...