Not lovin' it

By jared576 - 05/06/2015 03:01

Today, I got kicked out of McDonalds for "skating" on the floor. The skating was actually me slipping on the wet floor and smacking my head into a table then getting bitched at for leaving blood on the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 790
You deserved it 2 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If there wasn't a wet floor sign, you could threaten to sue for that. Also, you can report to the manager for them kicking you out for that.


Why were you there they have shit food no great loss

damn McDonald's really doesn't care about out health and are you ok?

Sounds like someone's trying to get out of having to pay the consequences for not putting up a wet floor sign. I wonder if you could sue just the manager for that.

All of u are saying sue half of u won't do it so shut the **** up

magickiss87 22

I'd have told them flat out that they should think carefully about their actions as it'll make a huge difference in the outcome of me suing their assess. Then explain the situation and demand to speak with the franchise manager immediately. If they wanna be dicks about it, show your upper hand, otherwise let it go. Either way, sucks for you, Op!

jezka374 15