No shot

By Anonymous - 22/06/2021 04:01

Today, I had emergency surgery to remove my fallopian tubes. I'm one of the 0.5% of people who get pregnant after having their tubes tied. FML
I agree, your life sucks 990
You deserved it 99

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry, I know that's rough for the emergency surgery. I hope you're doing okay physically and mentally. My middle school health teacher said she'd been in the same situation. As a 13 year old I though that was the biggest example of personal oversharing in sex ed, well at least until as a sophmore a girl blurted out "well that's why sperm tastes so salty" in biology...

I had a middle school teacher tell us that her husband got breast cancer in his butt cheek and he had to have the whole cheek removed, so now he “fills it out” with his wallet. It was part of some lesson about how cancer of any type can occur in different places or something.


I'm sorry, I know that's rough for the emergency surgery. I hope you're doing okay physically and mentally. My middle school health teacher said she'd been in the same situation. As a 13 year old I though that was the biggest example of personal oversharing in sex ed, well at least until as a sophmore a girl blurted out "well that's why sperm tastes so salty" in biology...

I had a middle school teacher tell us that her husband got breast cancer in his butt cheek and he had to have the whole cheek removed, so now he “fills it out” with his wallet. It was part of some lesson about how cancer of any type can occur in different places or something.