Size zero

By Hannah - 27/03/2021 05:01

Today, I have been trying for 5 days to gain weight. Which for me, requires stuffing myself to the point of exploding. I haven’t slept in days because I'm constantly digesting food. FML
I agree, your life sucks 689
You deserved it 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

First of all, it wouldn't happen that fast, so slow down. Second, don't over-eat until you puke. That's not healthy, and could lead to bulimia. Third, talk to your doctor about why you want to gain weight, and they can refer you to a dietician to help. This is the most sensible way to ensure things go smoothly, so don't go stuffing your face with junk food until you "explode". Finally, be sure not to go overboard. Being overweight can lead to diabetes, heart complications, breathing problems, and a myriad other things.

Marcella1016 31

Damn really good advice. Yes, I know my upvote indicated that, but I wanted to say it. I love when the comments help people who need it.


First of all, it wouldn't happen that fast, so slow down. Second, don't over-eat until you puke. That's not healthy, and could lead to bulimia. Third, talk to your doctor about why you want to gain weight, and they can refer you to a dietician to help. This is the most sensible way to ensure things go smoothly, so don't go stuffing your face with junk food until you "explode". Finally, be sure not to go overboard. Being overweight can lead to diabetes, heart complications, breathing problems, and a myriad other things.

Marcella1016 31

Damn really good advice. Yes, I know my upvote indicated that, but I wanted to say it. I love when the comments help people who need it.

As my Limey uncle would say "Cheers, chap!"

mando 10

I agree, good advice, and I also agree with marcella1016,.

I would speak to a dietitian on how to best build weight. Don't want your digestion system to suffer, good luck

If it’s really that impossible for you to gain weight you should see a doctor. You could have an overactive thyroid.

Easiest way to do it without feeling like you are going to explode is to drink a slim fast or complete meal smoothie after you have your meal. That way you double your calorie count.

bobsanction 18

Protein powder in in full fat chocolate milk. Calories galore bud.