Nice try

By UncleRory - 16/05/2009 09:13 - United States

Today, I was shopping at a supermarket. As I was about to pay for my items, I noticed the cashier was very cute. Trying to be nice, I smiled. She smiled back and said, "Hello, how are you?" Instead of saying, "I'm good" or, "I'm okay", I said, "I'm gay". FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 307
You deserved it 25 522

Same thing different taste


Why did u just say "I'm fine, how are u?"

andthepennydrops 6

Technically, it could've been a true statement as the orinigal meaning of "gay" is to be happy.

At least you didn't call yourself a ******? Not really sure what words you would mix up to get THAT lol

Technically it could be true because gay could mean happy!