Nice, thanks

By sweetnan - 28/08/2013 01:29 - Chile - Santiago

Today, I finally accepted my grandma's friend request on Facebook. I commented on a family photo album she'd uploaded, joking that the quality would greatly improve once she added pictures of me. My comment was met with, "Shut up you sewage rat". FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 317
You deserved it 8 354

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think it's time you went back to not being her Facebook friend.


Sounds like my Father and his side of my family..... You should use the good old block button and ban hammer her ass!

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Well doesn't she sound like a bucket of sugar.

really_meow 7

Relatives on Facebook= constant headaches. I recommend having a throwaway account just for dealing with their bs and then another with a nickname instead of ur real name, that way u can use it for friends, dating, whatever... so u can avoid everyone knowing about ur batshite grandma lol. Sympathies.

really_meow 7

Also you can add her to your restricted or limited profile list, so she can't be all up in ur biznaz. Doesn't sound like someone who should be allowed to anyway!

Yo Gramma is a ho. Unfriending time.

Someone is about to get blocked on Facebook!