Neighbors from hell

By Myself - 06/09/2010 10:45 - United States

Today, after a few months of my neighbor's friend parking outside his house and honking until he came outside, I happened to be out doing lawn work. I politely screamed, "STOP HONKING YOUR F***ING HORN!" To which they responded by moving in front of MY house and holding down their horn. I hate people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 491
You deserved it 16 988

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WTSchool 0

You 'politely screamed'? I never knew people could scream... with manners.

DisappearingRose 18

haha, that sucks. I would've gotten mad too though


the ppl honking are douches. I would have told them to shut the f up too!

My neighbor's friends do that. I live in a culd-a-sac and they like to stand in the middle of it talking, even when there's a car coming. It's really obnoxious. Stupid teenagers. I've yelled at them multiple times and talked to their mom about it. They've started doing it a little less.

To everyone who is saying "How is that polite?" I'm pretty sure OP was being *sarcastic* when they said 'politely'.

thepsychobilly 0

That happens to me too.I flip them off. Very Politely, of course. Yay! for not being a people person!! =D

sallen0046 4

This is just inconvenient, not an FML. If you hadn't been screaming at them like an ass, they wouldn't have come to your house and been asses themselves.

Buy an air-horn and the next time they do it, walk to the edge of your property and use it. Repeat until they get their lazy, fat asses out of the car and walk to the door.

how did u politely scream? is it the please that makes it polite? well then, #2 please don't be a **** ass and post that shit ^_^ polite

fuc k them and politely?? I don't really consider that polite lol