By yosmurf - 11/06/2019 00:01

Today, my son proudly announced to me that he has been learning to cut out shapes at school, and that he'd cut out some ovals and wanted to show me. He showed me the pictures of Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson and Jackson and their corresponding bills. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 871
You deserved it 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27 exactly did he get ahold of your money? Having children I never leave that just laying around.

manb91gb 15

And they say you can't put a price on education...


You can always tape up those small bills and take them to a bank. Be glad it's not a Franklin. You'd have been really screwed if it was the trillion-dollar Trump note. We're all screwed with that one.

manb91gb 15

And they say you can't put a price on education...

EmDizzle2007 28
tounces7 27 exactly did he get ahold of your money? Having children I never leave that just laying around.

My wife and I primarily use cash, except for bills and gas.

You should ground him for destroying a 2 dollar bill. You know how hard those are to come by today?

Just go to the bank and ask for them. They'll sell them to you.

How could such a young child get his hands on scissors in your household unsupervised? Please take care of your kid better.

If you have the bills you can take them to a bank. They should replace them.

fde2blknimout 18

Its amazing that with all forms of media, common sense and talking with friends/parents-people still manage to leave their valuables where their kid can reach them. When the kid is a teenager its gonna be easy to get the car keys, credit cards and end up dead or in juvy for killing someone on the road. LEARN FROM THIS!!!!!!!!

Or you could take the time to be a parent and teach your kids to respect other peoples things and not steal instead.

Be proud that he can cut shapes. Then, hide your freaking money/wallet so he doesn't get into it. Next, take pictures of his success. Then head to the bank and explain what happened and see if they can help you out replacing them.