Motherly love

By Anonymous - 18/01/2011 21:23 - United States

Today, I rode home alone on a train. I accidentally missed my stop, but wasn't worried about it. My mom did not share my optimism and actually called the train company, saying that I was "lost" and "special". They thought she meant I was retarded. They wouldn't believe me when I said I wasn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 700
You deserved it 3 296

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"No really, I'm normal!" "Of course you are buddy, now hold my hand as we get off the train and we bring you home to your mommy"


my mom cares about me, FML. Really? Now I can see it being an FML about the people on the train not believing you

look at the bright side of it. maybe special means precious to her. any real mother will do anything to make her childs save, happy, confident and aroud her as long as possible. in my opinion you are lucky to have a mother who cares of you. btw, this is the third time to post my reply through iphone fml, i hope it appears.

ZeeBest86 6

that happens to me all the time!!! I have to repost at least three times before it goes on. **try number 2**

You guys are lucky. I've had to repost a lot more than three times for my comment to show up. I've already given up on some of them. If I'm lucky, this one will show up.

You're special!... even without your helmet.

That's AWESOME! That means you can go in the ladies restroom and kick open stalls and say that you don't know better because you're retarded! Heck, a woman might offer to teach you how things work down there. Wait... Where have I seen this before?

AtrumMessor 1

OP, if you can't speak and act calmly and cogently enough to make it immediately obvious that you are not retarded, then YDI.

catra195 0

I got bad news for you my friend if your mom calls you "special" and you are unable to convince strangers you're NOT, you're prolly are handicap

EarAcheMyEYE10 2

op, were u drunk, or are u one of those unfortunate folks that just look dumber than shit?

Seriously? your mom called the "train company"? I call bullshit. nice try corky.