Motherly love

By Anonymous - 18/01/2011 21:23 - United States

Today, I rode home alone on a train. I accidentally missed my stop, but wasn't worried about it. My mom did not share my optimism and actually called the train company, saying that I was "lost" and "special". They thought she meant I was retarded. They wouldn't believe me when I said I wasn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 700
You deserved it 3 296

Same thing different taste

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"No really, I'm normal!" "Of course you are buddy, now hold my hand as we get off the train and we bring you home to your mommy"


Accidently missed your stop? Yes you are special lol

honestly you should have taken the ball and ran with it at that point. if it had been me i'd have simply said " fine if you belive i'm some idiot unable to act on my own i'll act like such" and then repeadtly do seemingly suecidal actions untill they belive i'm not retadet only insane. either that or i would start a discusion about from what basis they asume i'm retardet. n ot nearly as fun though.

She's a concerned mother!!! hahahah, sounds pretty embarassing! But you'd probably be suprised how many mothers would probably do that. I know mine would and I'm 23