Mind your own business

By :(( - 30/05/2013 21:18 - Japan - Tokyo

Today, in a public restroom, an elderly lady started bitching me out for not washing my hands. I was so intimidated that I did so under her accusing watch. I'm quite intolerant to many soaps, and I now have a horrible rash on my left hand because I was too frightened to explain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 799
You deserved it 18 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PhDInLife 8

Why don't you carry your own soap with you? If you know you are allergic and also know how unhygienic it is to not wash, YDI for putting yourself in that position!

bballer4life895 13


My mum has the same problem. Is has awful eczema and because of that, there are many soaps se can't use, but she does wash we hands still.

brittdeshae 13

Why don't you just carry your own soap around? I do understand your situation, but understand the germs and bacteria you are spreading due to your lack of washing your hands.

If you can't use just any soap, why don't you carry some of the soap, that you are not allergic to, with you when you go out? I would have yelled at you too... Hygiene is very important! If you don't wash your hands after using the restroom, you are exposing everyone else to germs you may have picked up in the restroom there. Some douchebag, potentially just like you, gave me and my whole family norovirus last year. So instead of whining about the bad soap, carry your own!

YDI. It's unhygienic, you could carry your own soap, baby towels or just wash your hands with water, without soap - it's much much better than not washing at all. I'm not going to tell you that you should have explained it to the lady and not washed, since there are so many options, some of which are described above.

shaynb04 8

Sorry about the rash! But did you even wash your hands before without soap because if you didn't that is so unhygienic and nasty!!!

why cant you just wash your hand with water?

Just pretend you speak a different language and walk away. I do that all of the time. XD

Don't worry OP, there's no point washing your hands after using the toilet anyway, especially not in a public restroom. I never do, I wipe my ass with toilet paper, not my hands. It's probably more unhygienic if you do wash them in a public restroom. Plus most people just run the cold water and jiggle their hands under it for a second, which doesn't wash anything off anyway. Trust me, I've watched. After all you touch, tap handles - soap dispensers - tap handles again - door handle - all of which have never been washed and that thousands of other people have touched and so as soon as you wash your hands they're 'diseased' again. Besides, what do people touch most of all? Phones and keyboards. Both of which are never really washed and you put your phone in all manner of 'diseased' places and then pick it up without washing anything and rub it on your face. People are not as 'hygienic' as they like to think.

kaduzy 12

It's far more hygienic to wash in a public restroom than not at all. I agree with you that a lot of people don't wash their hands well, but as long as there is soap of some kind available that is better than nothing at all. And if there are paper towels available, you can use the one you dry your hands with to turn off the water if it's not automatic and to open the door when you exit.

mansen 15

You do realize that while you are wiping with toilet paper, bacteria and whatnot, even unseen fecal matter is still falling onto your hands/skin right? Hence why you wash your hands after you go to the bathroom! If you are in a public bathroom and there isn't any soap or are allergic to it, still wash as if you had some under warm running water for about 30 seconds. Then use the paper towel you used to dry your hands with, that you got out if the dispenser using forearm to push down on, to turn off taps and open the door. Most bathrooms have a garbage can by the door for that purpose now anyways. I feel sorry for all the unsuspecting victims that encounter you after you go to the bathroom, encounter your hands, and everything you touch, leaving your bodily function traces behind.

I don't wash my hands in my own home unless I actually get something on them. But in a public washroom you don't know if the person who was in there before you got shit all over their hands then touched the handle. So I always wash my hands coming out of a bathroom stall, even if I didn't actually go to the bathroom.

YDI, you could've explained it to the lady, you could have ignored her because it was none of her business, you could carry your own soap or you could wash your hands with water only.