MILF Manor

By daughter - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Sweden - Vårgårda

Today, I found out that, for over three years, my boyfriend has solely been dating me to get closer to my mom. Apparently, "she's a total MILF." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 227
You deserved it 2 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Those are some ulterior motives from hell. I think this is one of the rare times to say "dump him" and be right.

Hopefully over time you'll grow up to look just like her, and then you'll be the MILF.


3 knows the way of a true Jedi Knight. **** yes, 3!

noisebox 1

Maybe you can do a mother daughter thing like in the pornos...,I think everyone would be happy then...

mrphychrs 5

Yall could share him, that seems fair

SApprentice 34

If he was serious that was the 'sole' reason he dated you, then that really sucks, and he could probably use some therapy. Only a very odd person would date someone for over 1,000 days, each day waiting and hoping to pounce on their mother. That's a big commitment, and I can't tell if that's really messed up or kind of impressive. Look on the bright side, you have a possibility of looking like her by that age. I'm the same way. My mother has a perfectly flat stomach, slim hips, a minimal amount of wrinkles, flawless body skin, and a natural tan. I can only hope I'll look about like she does at that age, but I got my dad's genes, so I doubt I'll be so lucky.

"Heyyy Mss Parrkerr". Or is it "MILF MILF MILF!" Id say either one ;)

wellfuuucckme 7
wellfuuucckme 7

I love me some MILF's but that's pretty douchey.