Medico issues

By Anonymous - 21/02/2023 10:30 - India - Chennai

Today, a guy on Bumble sent me a dick pic to me. I opened it, stared at it for a good few minutes, and replied, “I don’t see anything unusual. What are your complaints?” And then it hit me: It’s what they call “the life of a medical student.” I’m ruined! FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 145
You deserved it 289

Same thing different taste

Congratulations, you played yourself

By What have I done - 19/05/2024 10:00 - United States - Fort Lauderdale

Today, I asked a girl from Bumble for a full body pic. She was obese, so I told her it wasn’t gonna work. She then sent a video of her in real time looking slim and told me that picture was from when she was obese, and she'd sent that picture as a “test of my character” and she’s “better off without someone so judgy.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 306
You deserved it 1 208

Top comments

Ha you accidentally gave the best snarky comeback

Ah that’s a great idea when something like that happen. Answer that you are a doctor and notices something weird and that he should go see a doctor about it. That should calm him.


Ha you accidentally gave the best snarky comeback

Diagnose him with Peyronie's Disease and tell him to do dick-stretching exercises. He'll entertain himself enough that he won't bother you anymore.

Ah that’s a great idea when something like that happen. Answer that you are a doctor and notices something weird and that he should go see a doctor about it. That should calm him.

tiptoppc 19

I think you've found the best way to get rid of unwanted male attention: medically assess their dicks.