Meat Market

By Kelsey - 06/04/2020 17:00

Today, I had a doctor's appointment and my doctor had to examine my abdomen. I'm generally a pretty fit woman. After touching my abdomen, my doctor called me "the perfect specimen" and asked me if I was single because his son is also single. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 034
You deserved it 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Doctor, do these remarks have anything to do with my medical examination? If they are, could you please be more specific since I am struggling to understand how this is related? If they are not, could you please try to focus on your professional responsibilities? Thank you for understanding." I am not sure how else I would say "you suck" nicely and politely.

that's creepy. I'd be looking for a new doctor


"Doctor, do these remarks have anything to do with my medical examination? If they are, could you please be more specific since I am struggling to understand how this is related? If they are not, could you please try to focus on your professional responsibilities? Thank you for understanding." I am not sure how else I would say "you suck" nicely and politely.

These are crazy times! A compliment is now an FML? Yeah, I'll agree that being called a "specimen" is awkward, but the doctor was essentially inviting you into his family. Why not give the son a chance? Having a doctor in the family can be very handy.

What seems to be the problem? I'd agree if it were a pelvic exam or a mammogram, but eugenics based on an abdominal exam seems to be fair game.

Creepy, he didn't offer you lotion for your skin did he?

that's creepy. I'd be looking for a new doctor

mccuish 25

Perfect specimen seems like something you’d hear in a horror movie

That is inappropriate and unprofessional from a medical profession.