Mean Girls

By Anonymous - 24/05/2021 02:01

Today, I tried out for cheerleading. The judges, two head cheerleaders, sized me up, burst out laughing and made fat jokes towards me. I fought back and called them, "twiggy fucking sluts." At that moment, the coach walked in and saw and reported me to the principal. The judges got off scott free. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 046
You deserved it 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People are assholes OP. Since they rejected you, find friendship and acceptance from more decent people and not body shaming pricks.

At the same time though, can't handle the heat? Get out the kitchen in OP'a defense. That's like punching someone and not expecting for that person to hit you back. If OP gets in trouble, then everybody should get in trouble.


I was with you until you did to them exactly what they did to you. you have the moral high ground until you stoop to their level.

At the same time though, can't handle the heat? Get out the kitchen in OP'a defense. That's like punching someone and not expecting for that person to hit you back. If OP gets in trouble, then everybody should get in trouble.

the teacher heard her op didn't mention anything about them telling on her. sure punch them back but again you will be held accountable for hitting them too.

Warp1978 15

My old man once told me that if you find yourself stooping to the level of your bully you've lost. Rise above and move on.

vadarose 12

Why should OP be the bigger person? If someone goes low I’ll go even lower I’ll go down to hell if I have to but I won’t let someone step on me without standing up for myself. Nobody owes bullies the moral high ground **** that shit

eye for an eye. Dont complain about people being shitty when youre more than willing to be even shittier. That mentality is how you make bad situations worse. OP is literally complaining about people doing exactly what shes doing and youre defending her by saying the right thing to do is to be an even worse human being. I dont know why anyone with a mentality like that expects sympathy from others. Being a dick isnt how you get others to change their mind, but hey if you want to go through life trying to solve problems by being petty go for it.

People are assholes OP. Since they rejected you, find friendship and acceptance from more decent people and not body shaming pricks.

mccuish 25

YDI. You should’ve just walked away instead of stooping to their level

ojoRojo 27

I’m sorry OP. The silver lining is that they demonstrated why you wouldn’t wanna be on the squad anyway. Imagine having to be around them all the time!

bleachedraven 14

You really need to keep your cool better. Some people love to kick others while they are in a vulnerable position this sort of thing will likely happen throughout life.

vadarose 12

OP don’t listen to the ppl who say you deserve it. No one deserves to be treated like shit and then be expected to the bigger person. You should be proud you stood up for yourself and let those bullies know that they can say shit to you and you’ll throw it right back. If they didn’t want that they would’ve kept their mouth shut. Talk shit get hit, **** that moral high ground don’t ever let anyone give you shit