Making a scene

By becca1417 - 01/09/2009 22:21 - United States

Today, I was at the mall in a store looking at movie posters. I turned around and suddenly saw a creepy guy smiling at me, holding his arms out wide. I screamed, "Holy shit!" really loudly, causing everyone to stop and stare at me funny. Then I realized the creepy man was a cardboard cutout. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 773
You deserved it 45 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the_stereotype 0

hahaha...dumb i hope you told that card board cut off for that bitch that he was


ISeeStarsBitchh 0

Bahaha. I did the same thing about a week ago! It's ******* scary when you see some weird dude randomly appear in your periff right when you step your way out of a dark movie room. I screamed "OH ****!" as loud as possible and it took 45.6 seconds to realize that it was, infact, not real... :/ The problem is that I already saw the life-size cardboard cut-out on my way in xD....

princessprttiful 0

lol dw i got scared of my shadow at the beach i thought it was a shark :S

mannix_fml 0

This shit happens to me ALL THE TIME. It's traumatizing, really. I always get this feeling that I'm being watched in FYE, but then I realize it's just Hannah Montana.

Sounds like something I would do. Lol. :)

I has a similar expirence. I was on my front porch one night and this dude was stnading by the neighbors house staring at me. I was pretty creeped out so I went inside, double checked all the locks, loaded my gun, and layed down to sleep. I woke the next morning after no incident, got in my truck to go to work and a NASCAR cutout by the neighbors trash cans caught my eye. LOL I felt like and ass but not that my life sucked.

Pooe mannix, the fact that you have to see Hannah Montana in FYE really does blow. I think the only cardboard thing we have in our FYE is Robert Pattinson. Oh wait we have the Jonnas Brothers to :/

christie_fml 0

once i was told to close my eyes and stand still and my friends put a life sized edward cullen cut out right in front of me. i obviously FREAKED OUT. hahahaha