By Raspution - 28/12/2017 18:00
raspution tells us more.
OP here and i work for the government apparently this will cost tax payers about 10,000 to investigate. Tax dollars at work.
Top comments
What has the world come to that being polite can be considered as sexual harassment. People nowadays are way to easily offended
Well, you ARE a male, therefore your very existence constitutes a sexual harassment claim against you. (sarcasm)
That shit is getting out of hand. "Sexual harassment!" what he do!? "He undressed me with his eyes!!"
Your company seems to be run by morons who give credit to some silly comments from even sillier customers :(
You just can't do anything today without it being considered as sexual harassment. You are too nice- sexual harassment, you make some joke - sexual harassment. You type in the word sexual and the next suggested word is harassment.
Really? If I type in "sexual" I'm my Google browser the next suggested word is "pickle". Maybe I'm doing it wrong.
I'm sorry, but this is so funny lol but really, I hope you don't get in actual trouble for that. I guess you're just gonna have to frown at your customers now and say "don't come back again" instead of "see you soon".
Get a restraining order out against the person so the store has to tell him to take his business elsewhere as if they try to fire you you can sue them for not providing a safe working environment.
Maybe you should ditch the whip and crotchless shorts...those might be sending the wrong message...

What has the world come to that being polite can be considered as sexual harassment. People nowadays are way to easily offended
Well, you ARE a male, therefore your very existence constitutes a sexual harassment claim against you. (sarcasm)