Making a scene

By becca1417 - 01/09/2009 22:21 - United States

Today, I was at the mall in a store looking at movie posters. I turned around and suddenly saw a creepy guy smiling at me, holding his arms out wide. I screamed, "Holy shit!" really loudly, causing everyone to stop and stare at me funny. Then I realized the creepy man was a cardboard cutout. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 773
You deserved it 45 380

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the_stereotype 0

hahaha...dumb i hope you told that card board cut off for that bitch that he was


theshinepolice 0

reminds me of when my cousin bought a cut out of edward cullen and whenever i looked back, i thought it was a real person :] haha. and if anyone tries to reply about how i'm lame for liking twilight, im gonna say i don't like it in advanced. but yeah i can totally relate, i get scared if something seems to have popped out of nowhere.

DeadMansCrack 4

That happened to me except it was a cutout of Harrison Ford, but I didn't feel scared. I felt protected.

This isn't even original. Several times a week someone posts an FML about being freaked out by a cut-out or trying to hit on a mannequin, or whatever other stupid stuff. Like the person who bitched out a guy for staring at them when it was just his sunglasses on the back of his head.

Fooberry 9

This seems like it would belong at MLIA, not FML.

i agree with #21 and 59. DEFINITELY an MLIA moment.

Yes, I'm surprised as well that it got posted. I've sent 2 or 3 FMLs before way worse than this lol. But they didn't get through. I don't really care anymore, so yeah. Cheers.

AT LEAST it wasn't one of those ******* CREEPY realistic looking mannequins from Old Navy. **** that shit :(

DeadMansCrack 4

Oh heavens I just went to Old Navy today and let me tell you, that was an experience that will haunt me forever

I stole one of those mannequins' arms and was walking around all day with it over my shoulder. It took forever for my mother to notice and then rage about. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING STOP BEING STUPID YOU ARE EMBARASSING ME WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU"

Umm yeah that's a bit awkward. I hope your boyfriend didn't see you lol. _______________________

If I was there and I saw you freak out over a piece of cardboard, I would laugh my ass off.

hahaha calssic! those things are pretty life like