Making a scene

By becca1417 - 01/09/2009 22:21 - United States

Today, I was at the mall in a store looking at movie posters. I turned around and suddenly saw a creepy guy smiling at me, holding his arms out wide. I screamed, "Holy shit!" really loudly, causing everyone to stop and stare at me funny. Then I realized the creepy man was a cardboard cutout. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 773
You deserved it 45 380

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the_stereotype 0

hahaha...dumb i hope you told that card board cut off for that bitch that he was


oh yeah. simmilar stuff has happened to me all the time

gypsyzambie 2

yeah I did that once and yelled "AW ****" and there were kids around. It was a wax statue of marilyn monroe but I thought it was actually her for a sec. I was at the wax museum in NY...

Guess you'd prob not like the hugs for free campaign guy eh?

Lol those stupid cut outs are SOOOOOOOO creepy, i would do the same BUT not use God name in vain. I would say something like "Oh s***t"

Hahaha, I love this one :] It could've been me :p

im sure ive done that about once or twice hahahaha

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA LAUGHIN 4 AGES!!!!!! ROPHFL.. u do not wanna know wat dat means.... oh welllllll hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... pie rules! apple pie blueberry pie.. nd incase ur wonderin i must be fat cause i eat pie.. i do not eat pie evryday .. so im not even close to fat... goin waaaay off subject... -.-'' haha... LMFAOOPHF.. ok enough...

KristinKhaos 0

Haha. That happened to me once. I was in F.Y.E., and I was looking at the t-shirts on the back wall, behind the plasticky display things, and it was at the end of a row of movies and stuff, which I barely glanced at. So I didn't see the cutout of Edward Cullen until I saw the reflection in the display case. From where I was staring, and the angle of the reflection, it looked like he was staring at my intensely. I screamed and my then-boyfriend and an employee ran over, and only then did I realize it was a cutout. It was emabarrassing. Anyway! I know how you feel. That kinda sucks, but you know it's pretty funny. =P