Make it stop

By ughhhh - 10/11/2009 17:04 - United States

Today, my roommate's boyfriend told me he would be driving the several hours EVERY weekend to come see his girlfriend. As a couple, they are constantly all over each other, and can't seem to break out of the annoying baby talk voice. Plus, they like to kick me out of the room to do stuff. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 389
You deserved it 5 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DrPluton 0

Put on some headphones and ignore them. Nobody should be able to kick you out of your room.

Well, unless you're just sponging there, it's your place too. If they want alone time so bad, then tell them they need to give you an incentive to give them time alone. Of course, you could also just tell 'em off. If they want it so badly, they can make their own damn foxhole.


xUknowUloveme39x 0

Retarded. Sounds just like every other fml. Get over yourself. At least your roommate actually has a bf.

CynicComedian 2

Tape them secretly and broadcast it in your dorm lounge.

bugmenotmofo 34

In most colleges - you have to agree with letting a visitor stay in even if it's your roommates friend. Has to be cleared with your RA or whatever if it's an extended period of time. If it's one day a weekend - then you might have to talk to your RA about it.

So film them and make some money off it. Turn it into a win! YDI for the great money-making opportunity.

RVP23 0

So tell them you're not going anywhere and if they want privacy they can go get their own room.

Having been in that situation myself with 2 different roommates...yes, FYL. Yes, sexile is a given part of college life, and yes, you should be tolerant of it once in a while. But every weekend is, well, a lot. OP is paying just as much for the room as her roommate is, and shouldn't have to be spending half of every weekend trying to figure out when she's allowed to be in the room. OP also didn't specify for how long. My roommate freshman year would oust me for two 8-hour days when her boyfriend came to visit, which is absolutely unfair. For that matter, FHL even if she's not getting sexiled. Having a third person of the opposite sex staying over every weekend, especially if said person spends a lot of time actually in the room, can be incredibly distracting and uncomfortable.

Greenroom 0

haha why does this strike me as false written by a 15 year old?

lem0n_fml 0

Try having a roommate who's boyfriend goes to the same college as you - better yet, lives in the same dorm. I went home for a week this semester, and the first DAY I was back, I was sexiled 5 times. And the first week I was back, her boyfriend slept in the room every single night. Eventually I grew some balls and told her off about it. Do the same. So worth it.

Try talking to them and compromise that since he is coming down EVERY weekend, then you should take turns on who gets the house/apartment that weekend if they want to fool around and kick you out. That's what I would do