It's all fun and games, until…

By Anonymous - 25/06/2021 20:01 - Germany - Ebersbach

Today, I have to give some serious thought to hair extensions. Not for myself, though. My horse let her canine friend rip her tail hairs out during play, and now she has no defense against the bugs. Know any hairdressers who make house calls to horses? FML
I agree, your life sucks 780
You deserved it 99

Same thing different taste

Top comments

rotflqtms_ 21

How are you blaming the horse for the dog attacking her tail? The dog ripped it out. The horse was being nonviolent as was probably trained.

there's bug netting jackets you can get the horse


rotflqtms_ 21

How are you blaming the horse for the dog attacking her tail? The dog ripped it out. The horse was being nonviolent as was probably trained.

there's bug netting jackets you can get the horse

Search for a hairdresser who can weave hair and braid cornrows on white people. You might have to bring your horse, but the tail will look professional. A couple training sessions for your dog would be helpful as well.