Leave me be

By hipster glasses - 16/08/2013 11:08 - United States

Today, I was verbally abused by a customer at my job. Apparently, wearing "ugly, thick-framed hipster glasses as a fashion statement is a HUGE faux pas." These are my actual prescription glasses, and "faux pas" is not pronounced "fox paws". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 722
You deserved it 3 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sir_ND_Pity 35

He deserved some fox paws in the face for being so rude.

Wow.. Some people are just too rude and ignorant.


BriannaMGK 15

Reading "fox paws", I imagined a blonde bimbo, valley girl, that thinks she's smart! Lol

that guy is an idiot, but just because you have them as prescription, doesn't mean they aren't a fashion statement. xD>

dreaasalazar 5

Excuse my stupidity, but how is it actually pronounced?

Faux-pas is French, so you pronounce it like "fo-pah."

Faux-pas: Fough as in dough (as in donut), paw as in Dad (as in what up pa?) I've got an aunt that says weefee for Wi-Fi, glucides (glue-sids) for carbohydrates (glucide is French for carbohydrate), breaf-iss (deaf-is) for breakfast, and refuses to change no matter who corrects her. She is in her 50s, and speaks English. So, though I am surprised you don't know how to say faux-pas, I'm glad you at least asked how to pronounce it. Naïve: Nye as in bye, eve as in, well, eve. Nye-eve.

TaraMoon_fml 11

Only a hipster would know how to pronounce faux pas.

For people who don't understand french, pronounced fo pah, spells faux pas, means wrong move. And for idiots who think you have to be a hipster to understand french, some english speaking people live in france, and can manage speaking and understanding it very well without being hipsters

Sounds like something a customer would say to me. Mine are prescription as well.

Am I the only one who thought of London Tipton here?

GrapeJuice67 17

Yeah, I just chose to wear glasses all my life too OP. I totally wanted terrible eyesight. I had to have it you see, to make truly stunning fashion choices in the world of eye wear. (Sarcasssm)