Leave me be

By hipster glasses - 16/08/2013 11:08 - United States

Today, I was verbally abused by a customer at my job. Apparently, wearing "ugly, thick-framed hipster glasses as a fashion statement is a HUGE faux pas." These are my actual prescription glasses, and "faux pas" is not pronounced "fox paws". FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 722
You deserved it 3 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sir_ND_Pity 35

He deserved some fox paws in the face for being so rude.

Wow.. Some people are just too rude and ignorant.


I hate that everyone only knows them as Hipster glasses or Nerd glasses. They're called Wayfarers. I think they're cute, wether you need them or not. As long as you aren't the type to be going "Oh em geeez guys, I'm sooooo hipster!"

monnanon 13

no no no.....anyone who wears glasses when they dont need them is a hipster douchebag.

#85, you must not know what a real hipster is. Wearing fake glasses doesn't make you a douchebag. Also, people have been wearing fake glasses for decades. There was a time when horn rimmed glasses were big.

monnanon 13

and that makes it right? of course i know what a hipster is, most of my uni class consisted of them. they hate anything popular apart from Apple products and wear ******* awful clothes. their blog is also the best thing since war and peace or so they think. anyone who thinks they are better than someone else because of "vintage" or ironic enjoyment is someone i want feck all to so with.

First off, what exactly is wrong with wearing fake glasses? I seem to be missing the part where you actually gave a reason. Secondly, not all hipsters are rude and arrogant. Not all of them have blogs, and not all of them think their blog is good. They don't really dress badly, either. As you said, its vintage. Meaning? It was popular sometime in the near past, it couldn't be that bad. Also, cheap. I'd rather see someone dressed as a hipster than some Abercrombie-clad *****. Third, there are people who were fake glasses that are those Abercrombie skanks. They are far from hipster. You have failed to make a single valid point to me.

I lost it at "fox paws." And even if they weren't prescription glasses, what gives that customer the right to yell at you about it? Some people are so ignorant.

pazuzus_intern 10

I'm gonna get thumbed down to hell for this but I actually think wayfarers are cute! That and I wouldn't pay that guy any mind, "hipster" is pretty much a go-to word for anything someone doesn't like and in my opinion the weakest of insults. On top of that "fox paws"?! Really?! It doesn't even matter that you can't make fun of him on the job, he does it for you!

I think everyone should work retail at some point in their lives. I would have just smiled real big and said oh thank you I love getting fashion advice from a real fashionista. I wouldn't worry about it as dumb as she sounds she'll get hers.

ViviMage 38

"Foe pause" Foe rhymes with Poe, kthanxbi.

Faux pas = ''Foe par'' You're welcome.

lulukins 4

I have prescriptions similar to what you described&people constantly try to stick their nasty fingers through the lenses. Who the hell wears glasses with no lenses!? -__-

Contacts? You picked out the frames due to you liking them...if they think they are hipster and for a fashion statement...that's their problem..,