Today, my man complained that I was "not easily approachable", sexually speaking. To clarify, his usual way of signalling his desire is to just lie there, quiet and not moving, and (probably) thinking exciting thoughts. I can't tell if he likes me touching him, unless he signals a lack of interest by falling asleep, that is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 844
You deserved it 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe you're great at communication about other things than sex. A lot of people have trouble with explicit talk around lovemaking. I've taught sex ed and I still find myself hesitant, sometimes, with my partner. If you can't build up your communication skills about sex, build up your communication ability in other areas. Men want to please (most men). I assure you, it's true. Let him know what YOU want, and how YOU want it, and how much YOU love it when he tells you what HE wants. Don't punish for poor word choices or strange comments, those can be shyness. Instead, realize that he's reaching out: poorly and awkwardly, but reaching out to make things better. Unless he's being a dick about it.

I feel like there are a few strange phrases that merit punishment (whether it be good or bad punishment is obviously up to them), but otherwise I agree.


Maybe you're great at communication about other things than sex. A lot of people have trouble with explicit talk around lovemaking. I've taught sex ed and I still find myself hesitant, sometimes, with my partner. If you can't build up your communication skills about sex, build up your communication ability in other areas. Men want to please (most men). I assure you, it's true. Let him know what YOU want, and how YOU want it, and how much YOU love it when he tells you what HE wants. Don't punish for poor word choices or strange comments, those can be shyness. Instead, realize that he's reaching out: poorly and awkwardly, but reaching out to make things better. Unless he's being a dick about it.

I feel like there are a few strange phrases that merit punishment (whether it be good or bad punishment is obviously up to them), but otherwise I agree.

genuinegoodguy 9