Broke boy

By Anonymous - 24/12/2023 13:00 - United States

Today, I watched my country's president yet again talk about how, thanks to "his economy", we're all doing better than ever. I watched from my childhood bedroom, because in the last year, inflation has gotten so bad that I can't afford even the cheapest apartment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 656
You deserved it 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

009bouris 5

how do you know you are older? how do you know they work fast food and that inflation caught up to their wage? you presume a lot and things have clearly gotten worse for everyone in the last few years

dongdong xiang 10

Yes im compassionate because I vote for people who aren’t criminal racist sexist misogynist xenophobic wannabe dictators.


I am older than you. It has never been easy to move out of your parent's home and into your own place without a pretty good job. To get a pretty good job means either to be prepared educationally or vocationally for a career that will be one you can live on. Some people work mostly with their minds and some with their hands - Either way the jobs that require the least skills and preparation pay the least. You are never going to get ahead working fast food or some other low skill job unless you become a manager... OP, we all start out somewhere. Figure out what skills and interests you have that could become a paying job. You may need training or courses or an apprenticeship to get to where you want to go - Do that while you are living with your parents... We'd all like to blame others for the difficulties we face. But regardless of if they deserve part of the blame or not - The only person you can actually control is yourself. You have to work with what you've got and where you are.

009bouris 5

how do you know you are older? how do you know they work fast food and that inflation caught up to their wage? you presume a lot and things have clearly gotten worse for everyone in the last few years

My father died 5 years ago. My mother recently had to move to a care facility due to medical conditions from her age, there is no family home to move back to - That's how I know I am older than OP... We'd all like to blame our troubles on someone else. And sometimes that's at least partially true. But we only have the ability to control how one person reacts to our situation and that's ourselves... Politically and economically speaking we just went through a pandemic that affected everyone. Trump was not responsible for the pandemic itself but was responsible for how he reacted to it. Biden was not responsible for the inflation triggered by efforts to mediate the pandemic, and frankly he has dealt pretty well with the situation. But neither President nor political party has the tools to make a global pandemic and the economic consequences have no effect on us as individuals. That comes down to individual actions.... I am not unsympathetic to OP's difficulties or feelings, but it's up to each one of us how we deal with the hand we were dealt.

Wow, could you have been more condescending and presumptuous?

dongdong xiang 10

That sounds like a you problem and not a president problem. The whole world suffered from inflation and high costs as a result of a pandemic. We’re all taking a hit from it. However, we do have the lowest unemployment and record job growth, so there’s room for improvement. I would suggest getting a 2nd job instead of coming on FML with your MAGA talking points. YDI

009bouris 5

ahh there’s the compassionate left we’ve all heard about

dongdong xiang 10

Yes im compassionate because I vote for people who aren’t criminal racist sexist misogynist xenophobic wannabe dictators.

You need either a new job or a union. Real (adjusted for inflation) earnings are up since 2019, job switchers usually make at least a 10% increase if they're not promoted, and the 10th through 25th percentile gained the most.

Sorry, your Fox News/Facebook education has failed you.

sounds like you need a 2nd job and roommates like most of us did at 18 to get by. it's time you grow up and not use your parents as a crutch. they unfortunately won't always be there.