Kinder stranger

By Me. - 11/04/2013 00:45 - United States - Ramona

Today, as I walked out of the local store, I noticed a young girl was sitting on the curb, crying. I nudged her with the Snickers bar I had bought earlier, thinking she needed it more than me. After looking at it, she yelled, "PEDOPHILE!", punched me in the balls, and then ran away screaming. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 454
You deserved it 12 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn. So much for being nice. Kids these days..

I don't know man. I'd be freaked out too if some random man (who I happened to be eye to dick level to) poked me with something hard...


I don't blame her tbh, a stranger offering candy? Why not get down on her level and ask if she's ok?

No normal man offers a sad little girl a Snickers bar unless it has some type of drug in it. I would have suggested giving her a couple dollars so she can buy her own instead of looking creepy, OP.

I agree about it seeming strange but offering a little girl money doesn't seem any less creepy to me :/

at least you get to keep your candy bar

well, she was being safe, but seriously..

good intention, bad way to carry it out though

23Z9TZO 18

Yeah.. don't give random strangers(especially kids)candy, it's creepy. I understand you're being nice and all, but don't you think it would be a bit weird to have a total stranger just give you food for no reason?

Stroke_Her_Ace 15

Ok tell me who didn't see this one coming. YDI

Apparently she punches nice people in the balls when she's hungry.

Kids are taught religiously not to accept sweets from people they don't know, it's certainly what I teach mine. Whilst I'm sure you had the best of intentions with your gesture, you should have had the forethought to realise that the situation may unfold badly. I vote ydi, simply because it should have occurred to you that a small child may find your goodwill unnerving. You didn't deserve the nut shot mind you!

Panda_Shy_Haven 17

Well you did kind of set yourself up