Kick the bum out

By SleeplessinNJ - 20/10/2020 17:02 - United States - Raritan

Today, after spending money on all the furniture and decor in our apartment, paying rent every month from my bank account, paying for all the groceries, and paying for all the dog supplies, my fiance asked why I don't keep saving thousands of dollars every month, while he pays for none of it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 143
You deserved it 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless he steps up and helps you, you shouldn’t marry someone as selfish as him.


In the modern world, a lot of married couples don't have joint accounts.

Unless he steps up and helps you, you shouldn’t marry someone as selfish as him.

I agree. He was kidding. He wasn’t serious. Right? Let him know that 1/2 of whatever he has in “his” account belongs to you. Otherwise you’re setting yourself up for an early end to your upcoming marriage.

Is he that out of your league? Why are you such a chump that you are paying for everything? You'd be better off alone than feeding such a leech for the rest of your life.

JFI_Act 12

And how long have you been doing this? Why?

I'm guessing here, but is he hung like a donkey or something? He would seem to be a freeloader taking you for a ride. That isn't his money that he is saving, it's yours!

You should at least split the rent and money for groceries! Only fair that he pays half.

diraven 15

The joke will be on him when you take half his money in the divorce